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Giuseppe Mastruzzo, Who is Art? 1997

Who is Art?/Suprematism + Time: Malevich and FilmThis publication is Giuseppe Mastruzzo's contribution to the First Hereford Salon Symposium - which took place in London in June 1997. It explored the proposition that art as we know it is primarily an illusion of freedom, rather than an activity which in any sense contributes to freedom. But how is art to be transcended? How is this illusion about freedom to be dispelled? Ranko Bon, Goran Djordjevic, Judith Schoneveld, and Giuseppe Mastruzzo attempted various answers in their talks at the Symposium. Selcuk Avci, Lutz Becker, Lauren and Marko Bon, Sue Malvern, George Perendia, Geoffrey Powis, Giles Prince, Simon Rae-Scott, Paul Rhys, and Helen Wilks participated in the discussion. Mastruzzo struck at the subject in the Symposium's title and purpose, as is clear from the very title of his talk. In the end, he tempts the artist with the renunciation of both signature and authorship.

Giuseppe Mastruzzo writes about art and history of art. His interests in the history of art focus on the late Nineteenth Century in Italy. He also writes fiction.

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