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Ranko Bon, Salon: Whence & Whither? Second Lecture, 1997

This is Ranko Bon's contribution to the First Hereford Salon Symposium - which took place in London in June 1997. It explored the proposition that art as we know it is primarily an illusion of freedom, rather than an activity which in any sense contributes to freedom. But how is art to be transcended? How is this illusion about freedom to be dispelled? Ranko Bon, Goran Djordjevic, Judith Schoneveld, and Giuseppe Mastruzzo prepared talks for the Symposium. Selcuk Avci, Lutz Becker, Lauren and Marko Bon, Sue Malvern, George Perendia, Geoffrey Powis, Giles Prince, Simon Rae-Scott, Paul Rhys, and Helen Wilks participated in the discussion. In his introduction to the Symposium, Bon argues that the roots of modern art reach 30,000 years back, all the way to cave paintings. These roots are embedded into the human brain. His lecture is a collage of pieces taken from the author's Residua, a repository of uprooted thought initiated in 1976. This publication includes many pieces which have not previously appeared in print, as the last edition of Residua concludes with pieces written in 1995.

Ranko Bon is the Publications Director of the Hereford Salon. He writes and paints.

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